Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Lone Star Taqueria

Where do you go when you're hungry, bored, and feeling a little broke? The Lone Star Taqueria at 2265 Fort Union Blvd in Salt Lake City. This little taqueria (pronounced "talk-WHERE-ee-ah" by my GPS) is craaaaaaaaazy busy, but its ok. They know how to handle the traffic and their popularity is completely warranted.

The Atmosphere 5/5

I was worried as we drove up to the restaurant. The drive-through was lined out to the street and every single parking stall was taken. Oddly, I'd never even heard of the place and it seemed the whole town had the same great idea. There ended up being one single, solitary, parallel-parking spot available at the back of the tiny building, sandwiched between the parade of hungry drivers and a foreboding concrete wall that had made its mark on many cars who had foolishly attempted to park there.
The inside of the eatery is sensory overload. Every square inch of the place is decorated with colorful quirks and just plain weird. Masks... with lizards for noses, for example. And, oh yeah. It smells like fish.

The Service 5/5

Despite the long line, it moved really fast and I was worried we'd be herded like the unsuspecting cattle that had eventually become the meat I was about to enjoy. Luckily, they handle their popularity like pros. Our order was taken by a hurried, but very helpful man who directed us toward the reason everybody comes to the joint: Fish Tacos. I do not eat fish under most circumstances, so I ordered the 1/2 size Carnitas Burrito and my friend ordered both the shrimp taco and a fish taco.

The Food 5/5

Our food arrived very quickly, giving us barely enough time to procure utensils and peruse the salsa bar. My burrito that claimed to be "1/2 size" was as big as my face. $6 well spent and very filling. It was heavenly. This is one of the few times I would direct you to let the food speak for itself as my description probably would not do it justice.


Even for the "fish-smell adverse" among us, this place is entirely worth the trip. Think ahead and either brave the drive-through or consider parking elsewhere. 

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